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      郭迪,男,副教授,中国科学技术大学(USTC)近代物理系获理学学士、电子科学与技术博士学位,美国南卫理工大学(SMU)物理系博士后。曾在欧洲核子中心(CERN) Versatile Link项目组从事光纤通讯领域研究工作。 2017年底作为高层次人才引进加入华中师范大学物理学院担任副教授。

      研究背景基于大型高能物理实验中的前端数据读出,并拓展至空间实验、工业与商业化应用。研究方向包括从ASIC芯片到系统级的高速数据传输,其中芯片设计包括涵盖高速激光器驱动(NRZ、PAM4)/PD接收ASIC芯片、数字传输接口ASIC芯片、高速并串/串并转换芯片、PLL/CDR等完整SERDES芯片组的设计;在驱动与接收芯片方向,处于世界一流国内领先水平。系统级设计方向包括高速数据传输编解码及FPGA实现、超高速PCB板与连接仿真设计、并行/阵列式光模块(SFP, SFP+, QSFP, QSFP28等)的研发等。研究领域兼顾学术背景与商业应用,目前光模块与光通讯中的系列电芯片是大数据中心、5G时代物理层基础架构的商用核心前沿技术。

      2013~2015年作为主要研究者负责了美国能源部(DOE)应用于超大型高能物理实验的120 Gbps并行光纤数据模块研发项目。作为该领域第一个从芯片到模块全定制的光模块,成果连续两年发表于欧洲高能物理电子学TWEPP会议,并作大会报告;同时引起该领域最前沿的欧洲核子中心CERN Versatile Link项目组关注,并于同年加入该团队。2013~2016年期间,在Global Foundry、TSMC台积电、SMIC中芯国际等商用主流CMOS工艺下,连续设计流片超过8款激光器驱动芯片,速率涵盖5 Gbp/ch~ 25 Gbps/ch,发表19篇SCI论文,创造了多个高能物理读出电子学领域的第一。其中25 Gbps/ch驱动芯片,其带宽指标达到目前工业界最先进水平,系列成果填补了国内在特定应用背景下光纤通讯领域的设计空白。目前带领由数位博士生和研究生组成的年轻团队,开拓深耕光通讯领域,加入华师半年多来获得国家自然科学基金面上项目支持一项,横向项目三项。


1) D. Guo et al., Array optical transceiver in miniature form factor for high energy physics applications, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2018.07.093

2) D. Guo et al., Developments of two 4 × 10-Gbps VCSEL array drivers in 65 nm CMOS, Journal of Instrumentation, February 2017, Vol.12, C02065

3) Di Guo et al., A 4×8-Gbps VCSEL array driver ASIC and integration with a custom array transmitter module for the LHC front-end transmission, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 831, 21 September 2016, Pages 276–282

4) D Guo et al., The VCSEL-based array optical transmitter (ATx) development towards 120-Gbps link for collider detector: development update, Journal of Instrumentation, January 2015, Vol.10, C01034

5) D Guo et al., The 120Gbps VCSEL array based optical transmitter (ATx) development for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) experiments,Journal of Instrumentation,February 2014,Vol.9,C02007

6) B. Deng and D. Guo et al., Low-latency and low-overhead encoder ASIC in the ATLAS LAr calorimeter trigger upgrade, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 104, p. 394-403, March 2017

7) L. Xiao and D. Guo et al., A low-latency, low-overhead encoder for data transmission in the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter trigger upgrade, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 831, 21 September 2016, Pages 288-294.

8) X. Zhao and D. Guo et al., Mid-board miniature dual channel optical transmitter MTx and transceiver MTRx, JINST 11 C03054, March 2016

9) L. Xiao and D. Guo et al., LOCx2, a low-latency, low-overhead, 2 × 5.12-Gbps transmitter ASIC for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter trigger upgrade, Journal of Instrumentation, 11 C02013, February 2016

10) B. Deng and D. Guo et al., JTAG-based remote configuration of FPGAs over optical fibers, JINST 10 C01050, 2015

11) X. Li and D. Guo et al., 8-Gbps-per-channel VCSEL drivers for the LHC detector upgrade, Journal of Instrumentation, Vol.10, C02017, Feb. 2015

12) B. Deng and D. Guo et al., Component Prototypes Towards a Low-Latency, Small-Form-Factor Optical Link for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Phase-I Trigger Upgrade, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science Vol. 62, p. 250-256, February 2015

13) B. Deng and D Guo et al., The clock distribution system for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Phase-I Upgrade Demonstrator, Journal of Instrumentation, 10 C01004, January 2015

14) X Li and D Guo et al., Optical data transmission ASICs for the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) experiments, Journal of Instrumentation, Journal of Instrumentation, 2014 C03007

15) B Deng and D Guo et al., A line code with quick-resynchronization capability and low latency for the optical data links of LHC experiments, Journal of Instrumentation, 9 P07020, July 2014

16) L. Xiao and D. Guo et al., A low-power, low-latency, dual-channel serializer ASIC for detector front-end readout, Journal of Instrumentation 12 C01049 

17) C Liu and D Guo et al., The miniature optical transmitter and transceiver for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) experiments, 2013 JINST 8 C12027

地址:湖北省武汉市珞喻路152号   Webmaster:liuchao@ccnu.edu.cn华中师范大学夸克与轻子物理教育部重点实验室