Title: Professor
PhD: Central China Normal University
Research Area: Statistical Physics and Complex Systems
Email: liw@mail.ccnu.edu.cn
Phone: +86-27-67867046
Office: 9416
Related Links: http://complexity.ccnu.edu.cn/html/index.html
Research Interest:
1. Complex Networks and Its Applications
2. Monte Carlo of Evolutionary Game
3. Epidemic Spreading Dynamics
Research Highlights:
My research is diverse and cross-disciplinary, with the focus on the fields of complex networks, evolutionary game and epidemic spreading, though. I am especially interested in various kinds of scalings displayed by natural and social systems, as well as the underlying mechanisms behind them. My paper in 2004 (Phys. Rev. E 69, 046106) is the pioneer paper in which the empirical evidence of power-law nature of weight distribution was first revealed, which therefore set the foundation for a series of follow-up theoretical work on weighted networks. Since its publication, the 2004 paper has received much attention and has been cited over 600 times during the ten-year time period.
In 2012, my colleagues and I published a paper in New Journal of Physics (NJP 14, 093038) in which a universal scaling was found across the sports fields. IOP then wrote an exclusive interview report regarding the finding. At the same time, our work was highlighted by Nature, Science Daily, and MIT Technology Review.