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Toru Kojo (古城徹)

Toru Kojo (徹 古城副教授  


Toru Kojo (古城徹)



1979 年出生于日本

年3月 :  日本京都大学 获物理学博士学位

2005年3月 :  日本京都大学 获物理学硕士学位

2003年3月 :  日本庆应大学 获科学与技术学士学位


2015年9月-今  华中师范大学副教授

2013年8月-2015年8月 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校副研究员

2011年9月-2013年8月 德国比勒费尔德大学博士后

2008年4月-2011年8月 美国布鲁克海文国家实验室RIKEN BNL 研究中心副研究员



主要研究的领域为在极端条件下的QCD,包括夸克胶子等离子体,中子星中的致密物质,和强磁场中的QCD。特别对场论中的非微扰问题和多体系统中的涌现现象非常感兴趣,在这方面对低维系统开展过研究。同时利用1/Nc 展开研究了一些核物理中的基本问题。 最近工作主要致力于QCD中的凝聚态问题,瞄准中子星、磁星和超新星的唯像学应用,在不久的将来它们会有更多的观测结果。


1. "The Quarkyonic Star", with Kenji Fukushima, arXiv:1509.00356
2, "Phenomenological neutron star equations of state: 3-window modeling of QCD matter ", arXiv:1508.04408
3, "Phenomenological QCD equation of state for massive neutron stars", with Philip Powell, Yifan Song, Gordon Baym, Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) 4, 045003
4, "Chiral Spirals from Noncontinuous Chiral Symmetry: The Gross-Neveu model results", Phys.Rev. D90 (2014) 6, 065030
5, "Color screening in cold quark matter", with Gordon Baym, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 12, 125008
6, "A renormalization group approach for QCD in a strong magnetic field", with Nan Su, Phys.Lett. B726 (2013) 839-845
7, "The quark mass gap in a magnetic field", with Nan Su, Phys.Lett. B720 (2013) 192-197
8, "Can the nucleon axial charge be O(N^0_c)?", Nucl.Phys. A899 (2013) 76-106
9, "Interweaving Chiral Spirals", with Yoshimasa Hidaka, Kenji Fukushima, Larry McLerran, Robert Pisarski, Nucl.Phys. A875 (2012) 94-138
10, "A (1+1) dimensional example of Quarkyonic matter", Nucl.Phys. A877 (2012) 70-94

  • born on 1979 in       Japan

    Academic Degrees
    Mar. 2003 : BS in Science and Technology, Keio University, Japan
    Mar. 2005 : MS in Physics, Kyoto University, Japan
    Mar. 2008 : PhD in Physics, Kyoto University, Japan

    Professional Position
    Apr.  2008 - Aug. 2011 Research Associate at RIKEN BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
    Sep. 2011 - Aug. 2013 Posdoc at University of Bielefeld, Germany
    Aug. 2013 - Aug. 2015 Research Associate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
    Sep. 2015 - Now Associate professor, Central China Normal University, China

    Research interests:

    His research is in the field of QCD in extreme conditions, including the quark gluon plasma, dense matter in neutron stars, and QCD in strong magnetic fields. He has been especially interested in the non-perturbative aspects of field theories and emergent phenomena in many-body systems,and in this context he has studied low dimensional systems. He also worked on some fundamental
    problems in nuclear matter from the viewpoint of the 1/Nc expansion.
    Recently he is mainly working on condensed matter aspects in QCD, aiming at phenomenologicalapplications to neutron stars, magnetars, and supernova, for which more observations will be availablein near future.

    Recent papers:

    1. "The Quarkyonic Star", with Kenji Fukushima, arXiv:1509.00356
    2, "Phenomenological neutron star equations of state: 3-window modeling of QCD matter ", arXiv:1508.04408
    3, "Phenomenological QCD equation of state for massive neutron stars", with Philip Powell, Yifan Song, Gordon Baym, Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) 4, 045003
    4, "Chiral Spirals from Noncontinuous Chiral Symmetry: The Gross-Neveu model results", Phys.Rev. D90 (2014) 6, 065030
    5, "Color screening in cold quark matter", with Gordon Baym, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 12, 125008
    6, "A renormalization group approach for QCD in a strong magnetic field", with Nan Su, Phys.Lett. B726 (2013) 839-845
    7, "The quark mass gap in a magnetic field", with Nan Su, Phys.Lett. B720 (2013) 192-197
    8, "Can the nucleon axial charge be O(N^0_c)?", Nucl.Phys. A899 (2013) 76-106
    9, "Interweaving Chiral Spirals", with Yoshimasa Hidaka, Kenji Fukushima, Larry McLerran, Robert Pisarski, Nucl.Phys. A875 (2012) 94-138
    10, "A (1+1) dimensional example of Quarkyonic matter", Nucl.Phys. A877 (2012) 70-94




上一篇:Taishi Katsuragawa
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