电话: +86-27-67867041
1. 1996 - 2000: 华中师范大学物理学学士,获理学学士学位。
2. 2000 - 2006: 华中师范大学与荷兰奈梅亨大学联合培养物理学博士,获理学博士学位。
1. 2002 - 2004: 荷兰奈梅亨大学物理系, 研究EHS/NA22实验上的电荷起伏关联。
2. 2004- 2005: 荷兰奈梅亨大学物理系, 研究EHS/NA22实验上的系统熵。
3. 2006- 2009: 华中师范大学粒子所/美国布鲁克海汶国家实验室, 研究RHIC/STAR实验(质心能量~200 GeV)上的电荷平衡函数和起伏。
4. 2010-今:华中师范大学粒子所/美国布鲁克海汶国家实验室, 研究RHIC/STAR实验上的夸克胶子等离子相变的临界起伏和关联。
[1] Zhiming Li, Dynamical kurtosis of net and total proton distributions in STAR at RHIC,Acta. Phys. Polon. B Proc. 6, 445 (2013).
[2] Zhiming Li, FengboXiong and Yuanfang Wu, Statistical and dynamical fluctuations of Binder ratios in heavy ion collisions, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 39, 085101 (2012).
[3] Lizhu Chen, Xue Pan, FengboXiong, Lin Li, Na Li, Zhiming Li(李治明), GangWang and Yuanfang Wu, Statistical and dynamical fluctuations in the ratios of higher net-proton cumulants in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 38, 115004 (2011).
[4] Li Na, Li Zhiming(李治明), Liu Lianshou and Wu Yuanfang, The study of longitudinal properties of the charge balance function, Indian J. Phys. 85, 923 (2011).
[5] STAR Coll. (PA: Li Zhiming, Li Na and Wu Yuanfang), Longitudinal scaling property of the charge balance function in Au + Au collisions at √sNN = 200GeV, Phys. Lett. B 690, 239 (2010).
[6] Na Li, Zhiming Li (李治明) and Wu Yuanfang, Longitudinal boost invariance of the charge balance function in hadron-hadron and nucleus-nucleus collisions, Phys. Rev. C 80, 064910 (2009).
[7] Yanping Huang, Li Na, Jiaxin Du, Zhiming Li(李治明) and Wu Yuanfang, Two-particle azimuthal angle correlations and azimuthal charge balance function in relativistic heavy ion collisions, Phys. Rev. C 79, 054912 (2009).
[8] EHS/NA22 Coll. (PA: HunagYanping, Li Zhiming,and Wu Yuanfang), Rapidity, azimuthal, and multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum and transverse momentum correlations in π+ p and K+ p collisions in √s=22 GeV/c, Phy. Rev. D 73, 072004 (2006).
[9] EHS/NA22 Coll. (PA: Li Na, Li Zhiming,and Wu Yuanfang), Boost invariance and multiplicity dependence of the charge balance function in π+ p and K+ p collisions at √s=22 GeV/c, Phy. Lett. B 637, 39 (2006).
[10] EHS/NA22 Coll. (PA: Li Zhiming,and Wu Yuanfang), Charge fluctuations in π+ p and K+ p collisions at 250 GeV/c, Phys. Rev. D 71, 012002 (2005).
(1) 主持国家自然科学基金委理论物理专项基金1项,题目:相对论重离子碰撞中电荷关联和平衡(10647124),研究年限:2007.1 --- 2007.12,已结题;
(2) 主持国家自然科学基金委青年基金1项,题目:RHIC能区守恒荷的高阶矩和横动量起伏的有限尺度标度行为研究(11005046),研究年限:2011.1 --- 2013.12,正在开展研究,进展顺利。