邮编: jichen@mail.ccnu.edu.cn
2006/09 – 2012/08, 美国俄亥俄大学,理论物理博士
2002/09 – 2006/06, 南京大学,物理学学士
2013/10 – 至今, 华中师范大学,物理科学与技术学院,副教授
2015/09 – 2017/08,意大利核物理研究院-特伦托基础与应用物理所INFN-TIFPA,博士后
2015/09 – 2017/08,意大利欧洲核理论中心ECT*,博士后
2012/08 – 2015/08,加拿大粒子加速器中心TRIUMF,博士后
一直从事低能核物理、核结构理论、少体物理的研究,主要研究兴趣是运用有效场理论和第一性原理计算来描述核与原子中的少体现象。包括运用有效场理论研究核滴线附近的丰中子及丰质子晕核、原子核alpha集团效应、冷原子中的Efimov效应等。近年来,与合作者从第一性原理计算出发,研究了原子核电磁极化效应对缪原子光谱的修正,为解决“质子半径之谜”起到重要推动作用,受到了国际同行的重视。现已发表论文20余篇,其中《Physics Review Letter》1篇,《Journal of Physics G》综述1篇,《Physics Letter B》4篇。国际会议受邀报告15次,其中大会报告2次。
详见 http://inspirehep.net/search?p=exactauthor%3AChen.Ji.1+
1. O.J. Hernandez, A. Ekström, N. Nevo-Dinur, C. Ji, S. Bacca, N. Barnea, The deuteron-radius puzzle is alive: A new analysis of nuclear structure uncertainties, Phys. Lett. B 778, 377 (2018).
2. H.-W. Hammer, C. Ji, D.R. Phillips, Effective field theory description of halo nuclei, J. Phys. G 44, 103002 (2017).
3. B. Acharya, C. Ji, L. Platter, Effective-field-theory analysis of Efimov physics in heteronuclear mixtures of ultracold atomic gases, Phys. Rev. A 94, 032702 (2016).
4. C. Ji, Three-body systems in physics of cold atoms and halo nuclei, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 25, 1641003 (2016).
5. N. Nevo-Dinur, C. Ji, S. Bacca, N. Barnea, Nuclear structure corrections to the Lamb shift μ3He+ and μ3H, Phys. Lett. B 755, 380 (2016).
6. C. Ji, E. Braaten, D. R. Phillips, and L. Platter, Universal relations for range corrections to Efimov features, Phys. Rev. A 92, 030702(R) (2015).
7. C. Ji, C. Elster, D. R. Phillips, 6He nucleus in halo effective field theory, Phys. Rev. C 90 044004 (2014).
8. O.J. Hernandez, C. Ji, S. Bacca, N. Nevo-Dinur and N. Barnea, Improved estimates of the nuclear structure corrections in μD, Phys. Lett. B 736, 344 (2014).
9. C. Ji, N. Nevo-Dinur, S. Bacca and N. Barnea, Nuclear polarization corrections to the μ4He+ Lamb shift, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 143402 (2013).
10. B. Acharya, C. Ji and D. R. Phillips, Implications of a matter-radius measurement for the structure of carbon-22, Phys. Lett. B 723, 196 (2013).