Ryotaro Watanabe (渡边谅太郎)
2013年3月 Osaka University, Department of Physics, Ph.D.
2010年3月 Osaka University, Department of Physics, Master of Science
2008年3月 Tokyo University of Science, Department of Physics, Bachelor of Science
现在 华中师范大学副教授
2020年11月-2022年11月 Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) sezione di Pisa, Italy, Postdoc
2018年9月-2020年10月 Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) sezione di Roma Tre, Italy, INFN fellow
2016年9月-2018年8月 Universite de Montreal, Canada, Postdoc
2014年4月-2016年8月 Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Korea, IBS research fellow
2013年4月-2014年3月 KEK, Japan, JSPS research fellow for young scientist
Phenomenology of high-energy physics. In particular, I have an exceptional ability to proceed to independent and collaborative researches on B physics and its connection with other phenomena, such as dark matter and collider physics, in order (i) to probe New Physics (NP) effects from experimental observables, (ii) to distinguish type of NP structure, and (iii) to reveal UV scenario of NP behind elementary particle phenomena.
I have 32 citable papers including 25 published papers, and the total citation is 3542 to date (Oct. 19, 2023). The h-index is 21. My personal INSPIRE link is here (https://inspirehep.net/authors/1069162?ui-citation-summary=true).
Dark Matter abundance via thermal decays and leptoquark mediators,
B. Belfatto, D. Buttazzo, C. Gross, P. Panci, A. Strumia, N. Vignaroli, L. Vittorio, and R. Watanabe,
Journal of High Energy Physics 06, 084 (2022)
Non-resonant new physics search at the LHC for the b -> c tau nu anomalies,
M. Endo, S. Iguro, T. Kitahara, M. Takeuchi and R. Watanabe,
Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 106 (2022)
Testing Leptoquark/EFT in B -> D(*) l nu at the LHC,
S. Iguro, M. Takeuchi and R. Watanabe,
European Physical Journal C81, 406 (2021)
Bayesian fit analysis to full distribution data of B -> D(*) ell nu: |Vcb| determination and New Physics constraints,
S. Iguro and R. Watanabe,
Journal of High Energy Physics 08, 006 (2020)
HEPfit: a Code for the Combination of Indirect and Direct Constraints on High Energy Physics Models,
European Physical Journal C80, 456 (2020)
D* polarization vs. RD(*) anomalies in the leptoquark models,
S. Iguro, T. Kitahara, Y. Omura, R. Watanabe and K. Yamamoto,
Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 194 (2019)
Combined Explanations of the b -> s mu+ mu- and b -> c tau nu Anomalies: a General Model Analysis,
J.~Kumar, D.~London and R.~Watanabe,
Physical Review D99, 015007 (2019)