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37th HENPIC: ECal for STAR upgrade and HIEPA

Time::Thursday, May 21, 2015, 2:00 PM (Beijing time)

Location: Room 9409

Speaker: Yi-fei Zhang (张一飞),USTC

Title: ECal for STAR upgrade and HIEPA

Abstract:Electron-ion collision is one of the fundamental frontiers of physics research. Upgrade of electron-ion (ep and eA) collider (EIC) and searching for new physics in the extreme small scale of nucleon structure are of most interest in future 10-20 years. Studying the gluon and quark distributions in a nucleon structure and the small-x physics is the fundamental goal of the electron-ion collider. Precise measuring the scattered electron energy and scattering angle can study the distributions of Bjorken scale x and the energy transfer Q2.

Detecting photon with good energy resolution is also crucial for high intensity electron positron accelerator (HIEPA) in a tau-charm energy region under a high radiative environment.

BSO is a new scintillating crystal with high light yield output and low cost. It has been proposed as one of the options for future forward electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) for EIC. However, BSO technology is far from mature yet. In the talk we will psent the status of the BSO development and the performance of the BSO crystals as well as a small prototype. The conceptual design of the Ecal for EIC and HIEPA will also be introduced.

上一篇:The 39th HENPIC Seminar: Relativistic hydrodynamics order by order
下一篇:A unified description of the reaction dynamics
地址:湖北省武汉市珞喻路152号   Webmaster:liuchao@ccnu.edu.cn华中师范大学夸克与轻子物理教育部重点实验室