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Study of nuclear physics with strangeness

Time:3:15pm, Jan. 15,2015, Thursday

Location: Room9409

Speaker: Dr. HAN Yuncheng(韩运成) University of New Mexico

Title:Study of nuclear physics with strangeness

Abstract:Understanding of hadron-hadron interactions and searching for exotic quark states are importanttopics in contemporary nuclear physics. The interactions of hyperonnucleon and hyperon-hyperon systemswhich include the strangeness flavor are important extensions of what we understand about the nucleon-nucleon interaction. This talk will give a report of H-dibaryon searching experiment in Japan ProtonAccelerator Complex (J-PARC).

The famed yet elusive H-dibaryon, an exotic quark state (uuddss), was pdicted several decades ago and also supported byrecently Lattice QCD calculations. The E42 experiment has been approved at J-PARC to search for the H-dibaryon with highstatistics. A large acceptance hyperon spectrometer with a time projection chamber is used to search of the H-dibaryonfrom (K−, K+) reaction via its possible decays such as ΛΛ. Recent status of the E42 experiment pparation will bepsented.

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地址:湖北省武汉市珞喻路152号   Webmaster:liuchao@ccnu.edu.cn华中师范大学夸克与轻子物理教育部重点实验室