Time:3:00PM, Dec.8,2016, Thursday
Venue:Room 9409
Speaker:Dr.Weiming Qian (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
Abstract:This presentation consists of two parts. The first part gives a brief introduction of the Science & Technology Facilities Council of the UK, including its programmes and facilities with a focus on the challenging technologies needed for world-class scientific research. The second part is about the Phase-I Upgrade of the Level-1Trigger system of the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Rutherford Appleton Lab played a critical role in the original ATLAS Level-1 trigger system design, which has been running successfully since 2009 and led to the discovery of Higgs-boson in 2012. Starting in 2021, the LHC luminosity will double, which will increase the pileup rate. However, the ATLAS front-end detector electronics will remain largely unchanged. Hence the total ATLAS Level-1 Trigger rate will still be limited by the readout bandwidth of the front-end electronics to 100 KHz or less. Moreover, the Level-1 Trigger must retain sensitivity to the physics electroweak processes and stay within the current ATLAS Level-1 latency envelope of 2.5µs. To meet these new challenges, the Phase-I Upgrade to the ATLAS Level-1 Trigger system is needed. The focus of the second half of this presentation is on the overall architecture of the Phase-I Upgrade, the trigger algorithms and performance, the prototype design and test results.
Dr. Qian graduated from USTC in 1995, and obtained his Ph.D in year 2000 from USTC on the Nuclear Physics. He is currently a Principal Engineer at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the Project Leader of the Electron Feature Extractor of the Phase-I Upgrade of ATLAS Level-1 Trigger. In addition, Dr. Qian is also having following international and professional roles:
ATLAS Reviewer
Advisor to Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Electronics
Reviewer of International Journal of Electronics
Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology