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IOPP Forum: Dr. FENG Xu 10:00 am, May 18, Thursday, 2017

Time: 10:00 am, May 18, Thursday, 2017  

Location: Room 9409  

Speaker: Dr. FENG Xu, Peking University  

Title: Recent progress in applying lattice QCD to Kaon physics  

Abstract: Standard lattice calculations in flavour physics or in studies of hadronic structure are based on the evaluation of matrix elements of local operators between single-hadron or vacuum state. Recent progress in lattice Kaon physics has gone beyond standard calculations. I will review status and prospects of lattice Kaon physics with some emphasis on non-leptonic and long-distance processes including K->pipi decay, KL-KS mixing and rare kaon decays.  

上一篇:IOPP Forum: Prof. XIE Wei 2:30pm, May 19, Friday, 2017
下一篇:IOPP Forum: Dr. Marco Ruggieri 10:00 am, May 17, Wednesday, 2017
地址:湖北省武汉市珞喻路152号   Webmaster:liuchao@ccnu.edu.cn华中师范大学夸克与轻子物理教育部重点实验室