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The 21th IOPP Seminar : 尹伊 (Yi Yin) 研究员 , 中国科学院近代物理研究所 (IMP, CAS), May 6th, 2021, Thursday, 2:30pm (Beijing time)

Time : May 6th, 2021, Thursday, 2:30pm (Beijing time)

Speaker: 尹伊 (Yi Yin) 研究员, 中国科学院近代物理研究所 (IMP, CAS)

Title: Shear-induced spin polarization in QCD matter

Abstract : The measurement of spin polarization and spin alignment of produced hadrons in heavy-ion collisions opens a new avenue to explore the properties of hot and dense QCD matter. We study the spin polarization generated by the hydrodynamic gradients. In addition to the widely studied thermal vorticity effects, we identify an undiscovered contribution from the fluid shear. This shear-induced polarization (SIP) can be viewed as the fluid analog of strain-induced polarization observed in elastic and nematic materials. We obtain the explicit expression for SIP using the quantum kinetic equation and linear response theory. Based on a realistic hydrodynamic, we study the azimuthal angle dependence of spin polarization in heavy-ion collisions. We find that SIP contribution always shows the same azimuthal angle dependence as experimental data and competes with thermal vorticity effects. In the scenario that Λ inherits and memorizes the spin polarization of strange quark, SIP wins the competition, and the resulting azimuthal angle-dependent spin polarizations agree qualitatively with the experimental data.

[1] Baochi Fu, Shuai Y.F. Liu, Longgang Pang, Huichao Song and Yi Yin, arXiv: 2103.10403

[2] Shuai Y.F. Liu and Yi Yin, arXiv: 2103.09200

About Yi Yin: 2014, Ph.D, U. Illinois of Chicago; 2014-16, Postdoc, Nuclear Theory Group, Brookhaven National Lab; 2016-19, Postdoc, Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT; 2019-Present, Scientist at Quark Matter Research Center, Institute of Modern Physics (Chinese Academy of Science).

Research Interest: the phase diagram of hot and dense nuclear matter, quantum effects in quark-gluon plasma, non-equilibrium statistical field theory, see antiann.org/yiyin/ for more

IOPP Forum主页:https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/11125

Zoom会议: https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/94610576419    会议id:94610576419



上一篇:格物前沿科普论坛-15:浅谈缪子g-2,张 昊,中科院高能物理研究所,2021年5月21日,周五14:00,9号楼9409
下一篇:The 20th IOPP Seminar : 任中洲 (Zhong-zhou Ren) 教授 , 同济大学 (Tongji University), April 29th 2021, 10:00am (Beijing time) Zoom会议: https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/94610576419 会议id: 94610576419
地址:湖北省武汉市珞喻路152号   Webmaster:liuchao@ccnu.edu.cn华中师范大学夸克与轻子物理教育部重点实验室