Dear Colleagues,
We would like to bring to your attention an upcoming lattice QCD spring school
at the Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP), Central China Normal University (CCNU),
Wuhan, China. The school will be held from March 9, 2015 to March 20, 2015.
There is no registration fee. Lunch and dinner are provided free ofcharge. More detailed information about the spring school and registration process can be found on our website:
This year’s school is the 4th Huada QCD School which is an annual two-week school
on topics in strong interaction physics held at CCNU, China.This year’s two-week school
is designed to provide professional training for graduate students, postdocs and junior
research scientists in the field of lattice QCD.
Topics to be covered in this year's school are:
-- Basic introduction to lattice QCD (analytic part)
-- Basic introduction to lattice QCD (numerical part, algorithm & machines)
-- Introduction to forefront research topics at zero temperature
-- Introduction to forefront research topics at nonzero temperature and density
These topics will be covered by four lecturers:
William Detmold (MIT, Boston, USA)
TakuIzubuchi (Brookhaven National Lab, NY, USA),
Edwin Laermann (Bielefeld University, Germany)
Kostas Orginos (College of William & Mary. Williamsburg, USA)
In between the lectures we will have 4 seminars on computing resources in China by
YunFei Du (Chief Engineer of National Supercomputing Center at Guangzhou--TianHe II)
XiangFeiMeng (Chair of Application and Development Division at National Supercomputing Center at Tianjing--TianHe I)
Hai Jin (Director of Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Services Computing Technology and System,
and Director of Key Laboratory of Hubei Province on Cluster and Grid Computing, Wuhan)
Zhong Jin (Chair of Application and Development Division of Supercomputing Center of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing)
Another day is reserved for participants to psent their recent work.
Please forward this message to your colleagues and students who mightbe interested in attending the school.
Best regards,
Heng-Tong Ding and FrithjofKarsch