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实验室2017年桂子山高能物理论坛(IOPP FORUM)邀请报告一览表
序号 时间 地点 会议名称 报告人/参加人 单位 报告题目
1. 2017.3.3 9409 IOPP Forum Mr. Renhong Fang/方仁洪 Department of Modern Physics,USTC Wigner function, polarization of fermion, and mass effect on chiral anomaly
2. 2017.4.13 9409 IOPP Forum Dr. LIU, Yong Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, Germany Development of a high-granularity scintillator-based calorimeter
3. 2017.4.18 9409 IOPP Seminar Miklos Horvath CCNU Transport coefficients in quasi-particle approximation and beyond
4. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 魏树一 CCNU Probing qhat via back-to-back angular decorrelation & dijet asymmetry
5. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 贺亚运 CCNU Suppression and azimuthal anisotropy of the inclusive jet in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
6. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 罗覃 CCNU Linear Boltzmann Transport for Jet Propagation in the Quark Gluon Plasma
7. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 彭欣烨 CCNU Pion-hadron correlations in ALICE at 2.76 TeV
8. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 张祖满 CCNU Production of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at √sNN = 5.02 TeV in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
9. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 代巍 CCNU Nuclear suppression of eta, rho and phi meson yields with large pT at  RHIC and  LHC
10. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 张永红 CCNU Neutral strange particles production in jets in ALICE
11. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 陈蔚 CCNU Jet induced medium excitation in heavy-ion collision
12. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 陈时勇 CCNU Medium modification of averaged jet charge in heavy ion collisions
13. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 任小文 CCNU Measurement of Underlying Event in transverse region in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ALICE experiment
14. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 张成 CCNU Multiple scattering amplitudes in the Color Glass Condensate formalism
15. 2017.4.28 9409 IOPP Seminar 王梦亮 CCNU Measurement of jet fragmentation functions and their moments in pp collisions with ALICE at the LHC
16. 2017.5.3 9409 IOPP Seminar Prof.  Jin-Feng  Liao  廖劲峰 Indiana  University Understand Confinement from Deconfined Phase
17. 2017.5.4 9409 IOPP Forum Dr. LIN, Shu(林树) Sun Yat-sen University(中山大学) Dilepton and photon production in semi-Quark Gluon Plasma
18. 2017.5.11 9409 IOPP Forum Dr. Longgang Pang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory An EoS-meter of QCD transition from deep learning
19. 2017.5.17 9409 IOPP Forum Dr. Marco Ruggieri College of Physics of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Photons from the Early Stages of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
20. 2017.5.18 9409 IOPP Forum Dr. FENG Xu Peking University Recent progress in applying lattice QCD to Kaon physics
21. 2017.5.19 9409 IOPP Forum Prof. XIE Wei(解卫) Purdue University Heavy Flavor Production and Interactions in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions in CMS Experiment
22. 2017.5.22 9727 IOPP Forum Ming Liu Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, U.S.A. "Probe the QGP with Beauty Quarks in the sPHENIX Experiment at RHIC"
23. 2017.5.23 9727 IOPP Forum Dr. ZHANG Dongliang/张冬亮 密歇根大学 Measurement of Lambda_b decay asymmetry parameter and new physics searches with isolated muons in ATLAS
24. 2017.5.26 91229 IOPP Forum Dr Alejandro Celis Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Germany Hints of lepton universality violation in B-meson decays
25. 2017.6.14 9409 IOPP Forum Zi-Wei Lin East Carolina University and CCNU Heavy Quark Flow as a Better Probe of QGP Properties
26. 2017.6.19 9409 IOPP Forum Dr. Xin Dong(董昕) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Femtoscopic “Brownian” Motion and Particle Diffusion- Heavy quark production in heavy-ion collisions
27. 2017.6.22 9409 IOPP Forum Dr. ZHOU Jian (周剑) Shandong University Transverse single spin asymmetry in high energy scatterings
28. 2017.7.6 9409 IOPP Forum Dr. Xing Hongxi (邢宏喜) Northwestern University/Argonne National Laboratory On the precision frontier: high orders in high energy nuclear physics
29. 2017.7.18 9409 IOPP Forum Heng-Tong Ding CCNU QCD phase structure from Lattice QCD
30. 2017.9.7 9409 IOPP Forum Dr. ZHOU You(周铀) Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen Novel constraints on the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma
31. 2017.9.12 9409 IOPP Seminar Caio Prado University of Sao Paulo Heavy-flavor RAA and event-by-event vn correlations in heavy ion collisions
32. 2017.9.13 9409 IOPP Forum Shanshan Cao Wayne State University JETSCAPE: Quantitative exploration of jet energy-loss in a modular Monte-Carlo framework
33. 2017.9.22 9409 IOPP Seminar Gabor Papp MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics Portfolio Optimization with Statistical Physics
34. 2017.9.20 9409 IOPP Forum Zhongbo Kang UCLA Inclusive jets and their substructure at the LHC
35. 2017.9.21 9409 IOPP Forum 李小源 中科院理论物理研究所 Higher, Faster and Stronger than Ever
36. 2017.10.16 9409 IOPP Forum Prof. Miklos Gyulassy CCNU & LBNL A review on the latest soft azimuthal flow phenomenology via ebe viscous hydrodynamic models and review the status  of previous hard jet quenching models.
37. 2017.10.17 9409 IOPP Forum Rainer J. Fries Texas A&M University A Hybrid Hadronization Approach
38. 2017.10.18 9409 IOPP Forum Prof. Miklos Gyulassy CCNU & LBNL This lecture will focus on new results using the new event by event CIBJET=ebe-VISHNU+CUJET3 framework.
39. 2017.10.24 9409 IOPP Forum Yunwei Yu CCNU The first discovery of gravitational wave from a merger of two neutron stars and its electromagnetic counterparts
40. 2017.10.24 9409 IOPP Forum Toru Kojo CCNU GW170817, neutron star equations of state, and QCD phase structure
41. 2017.11.14 9409 IOPP Forum Prof. Dr. Dirk H. Rischke Institut fur Theoretische Physik Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat The extended Linear Sigma Model as a low-energy model for QCD
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